Speech for a melting statue

Rethink & Replace #4 | SOKL - Listen to the beat of our images


LISTEN TO THE BEAT OF OUR IMAGES is een sound-driven filmprogramma dat archiefbeelden van ruimtereizen, jazzgeschiedenis en koloniale monumenten herschikt om nieuwe verhalen van rouw, erkenning en verzet te brengen. Het programma, dat zijn naam ontleent aan een van de gepresenteerde films, bestaat uit 4 poëtische kortfilms en een gesprek met de makers. Het programma wordt meteen gevolgd door een buitenprojectie op de SOKL.


LISTEN TO THE BEAT OF OUR IMAGES is a sound-driven filmprogram that reshuffles archival images of space travel, jazz history and colonial monuments to bring new stories of mourning, recognition and resistance. The program - that lends its name from one of the featured films - consists of 4 poetic shorts and a conversation with the makers. The program is immediately followed by an outdoor projection.



by Audrey Jean-Baptiste & Maxime Jean-Baptiste

When Algeria gained independence from France in 1962, French president Charles de Gaulle urgently needed to find a new home for the CNES space center. Thanks to its ideal coastal position near the equator, he chose the little town of Kourou in the overseas territory of French Guiana. But no one gave a thought to the consequences of building a rocket launching facility on the local population living there.

Archive CNES footage of the construction of the space center and scenes from life in the new, modern Kourou are accompanied by an evocative soundtrack and voiceovers, shifting the perspective onto the people who until now have been rendered invisible.

(15’, 2021)


by Victoire Karera Kampire

After the assassination of her son Marvin Gay, Alberta goes back to his apartment in Ostend. The room in which she stays will be the theater of her journey towards resilience. An experimental film in a sequence shot, about mourning and violence.

Alberta’s Room is a journey into the dreams and nightmares of Alberta Gay. The film revisits the tragic fate of a pop icon and explores the female perspective of a drama that had always been portrayed as a male story.

(18’, 2022)


by Darol Olu Kae

The Pan Afrikan Peoples Arkestra has been a legend in the LA jazz world for over 60 years. But since the death of its founder, Horace Tapscott, the band has spent the last three decades ebbing with the tide of history. Keeping Time follows new band leader Mekala Session as he tries to honour the legacy of the group while establishing a new path forward.

Keeping Time is a narrative short film about art-making and collaboration in and through time that focuses on the relationships that make music possible. Keeping Time is an audiovisual homage to musicians who pass on the magic and the communities that nourish them.

(30’, 2023)


by Collectif Faire-part

In June 2020, thousands of people took to the streets in Brussels to make a fist against police brutality and institutional racism in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. For a moment, it seemed that some demonstrators would take down the statue of colonial king Leopold II in a nearby square. For now the sculpture is still standing, but an optimistic poet already prepares her speech for the day it will be removed.

Archival images of colonial monuments that arrive in a museum in Kinshasa, DR Congo are paired with a ceremonial text by poet Marie Paule Mugeni. The voice-over presents the official removal of a Brussels colonial statue as if scheduled for the very next day. However, in opposition to Kinshasa, there are no concrete plans for the statues’ takedown up to now.

(10’, 2023)

Rethink & Replace

In 2023 lanceert KAAP Rethink & Replace als label voor voortdurende reflectie, zowel in publicaties als in publieke programma's. We vertrekken vanuit onze uitvalsbasis in Oostende: tussen stad en zee, op de zeedijk, in een geklasseerd en omstreden monument. Dat dit monument deels werd gebouwd om ons koloniale verleden te verheerlijken, is uiteraard geen geheim.

KAAP blijft trouw aan haar DNA en verbindt de kunst met maatschappelijke urgentie. Wat is de rol van hedendaagse kunst of kunstenaars in de openbare ruimte? Hoe kunnen we beter begrijpen hoe beelden onze politieke en persoonlijke beslissingen in het dagelijks leven beïnvloeden? Hoe worden verhalen opgebouwd en heropgebouwd? 

Tijdens vier filmavonden geven we de sleutels uit handen aan vier curatoren - Escautville, Jelena Jureša, Nadia Nsayi en Collectif Faire-Part - en nodigen we je uit om mee na te denken, te praten, te luisteren en te reflecteren over de onderwerpen die aan bod komen.


Victoire Karera Kampire, Audrey & Maxime Jean Baptiste, Darol Olu Kae, Collectif Faire-part, Marie Paule Mugeni